Values / 3 posts found
Does Gen Y Need to Get Over Itself at Work?
Or, Maslow’s hierarchy and why employers need to get over themselves and provide meaning at work. Summary There is an increase in people’s expectations and needs for their work to have meaning, and their employers to be doing more for society than increasing the bottom line. This is not restricted to Gen Y – it increasingly covers all generations, even though it is commonly attributed to Gen Y. If you want to compete for the best talent, your company will be much more appealing…
What ONE Value Will Your Company Be Remembered For?
Summary Many companies have articulated a set of values. Their role ranges from covering stains on company walls to actually defining how the company does things. In most companies, one value reigns supreme. What that value is depends mostly on how the company is led and the authenticity of that particular value. Sometimes it is a value that isn’t articulated, but is the one that the founders or leaders demonstrate the most. Recommendation – take a hard look at the values your company…
How Culture Becomes Currency
… and how articulating values can hurt your company. Exec Summary Recent studies confirm that a positive culture has a direct impact on profitability. In addition, companies which have articulated values which they live up to outperform those that have none, while those that have articulated values which they fail to live up to underperform those that haven’t articulated any. Meaning it’s better not to talk about values if you can’t live up to them. At my last company,…