Education / 2 posts found

Book Seller With Purpose

by Iyas A
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[Value/s Led Business] Yes, we know Amazon isn’t about books. But if you ARE looking for books, try BetterWorldBooks. With each book you buy, they do 3 additional things: 1) Donates a book to someone who needs it; 2) Puts money towards a carbon offset for your purchase; 3) Donates to literacy projects. Perfect alignment. I ALWAYS look for my books here first. CLICK HERE TO SEE ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Teaching starting from the child rather than the curriculum

by Iyas A
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Our education system tries to shoehorn children into a curriculum. Created 200 years ago to fit children into industry, I don’t think it’s fit for purpose today. Here’s a school that tries reversing the relationship by fitting the curriculum around the child. CLICK HERE TO SEE ORIGINAL ARTICLE